Remaining Positive Despite Feeling Low
Hey everyone! As you may have read in my previous post, in January 2018 I lost my father which was a huge kick in the stomach for me! But don't worry, this post is not to depress you!
I beat myself up about what I could have done better but decided to turn my situation into a positive and hopefully this can impact you.
We all face trials in life and experience ups and downs but when we are at the lowest points in our lives how can we deal with it? What can help?
Sometimes it is not as easy as just 'trying to remain positive' or 'thinking on the bright side' but it honestly helps! I decided that I needed to do something with my mood.
I beat myself up about what I could have done better but decided to turn my situation into a positive and hopefully this can impact you.
We all face trials in life and experience ups and downs but when we are at the lowest points in our lives how can we deal with it? What can help?
Sometimes it is not as easy as just 'trying to remain positive' or 'thinking on the bright side' but it honestly helps! I decided that I needed to do something with my mood.
Remaining positive and thinking of the best things in life have a huge impact on your hormones and daily life. Think to yourself:
When I get up in the morning what mood am I in?
If the answer is bad then its time to do something different! Do something before you go to work or school to make you feel better. Put some music on that makes you happy or read a portion of a text or quote that makes you feel good. When I noticed I was waking up every morning feeling unhappy I knew it would only carry on throughout the day, so each morning I got up that little bit earlier, read a paragraph / text that made me feel good, put some music on whilst getting ready and soon I eventually found myself dancing around my bedroom feeling much better.
If the answer is bad then its time to do something different! Do something before you go to work or school to make you feel better. Put some music on that makes you happy or read a portion of a text or quote that makes you feel good. When I noticed I was waking up every morning feeling unhappy I knew it would only carry on throughout the day, so each morning I got up that little bit earlier, read a paragraph / text that made me feel good, put some music on whilst getting ready and soon I eventually found myself dancing around my bedroom feeling much better.
What is my diet like?
Diet is important! Your diet has a huge impact on your daily life and health and even your moods. The worst your diet… the more tired and drained you are going to feel which does not send out positive chemical reactions that lift how you feel. Studies show that a bad diet has a dangerous effect on your mental health as it is for your physical health; yes, a poor diet actually influences depression and anxiety. Do not take the saying ‘you are what you eat’ lightly, I fully support this statement! It is hard to eat well when you feel at your lowest; in fact, it is hard to eat at all. I have learnt that my nutrition effects so much of my health so decided to change a large portion of my diet. I started to see I was sleeping better, feeling happier, more confident and alert.
Diet is important! Your diet has a huge impact on your daily life and health and even your moods. The worst your diet… the more tired and drained you are going to feel which does not send out positive chemical reactions that lift how you feel. Studies show that a bad diet has a dangerous effect on your mental health as it is for your physical health; yes, a poor diet actually influences depression and anxiety. Do not take the saying ‘you are what you eat’ lightly, I fully support this statement! It is hard to eat well when you feel at your lowest; in fact, it is hard to eat at all. I have learnt that my nutrition effects so much of my health so decided to change a large portion of my diet. I started to see I was sleeping better, feeling happier, more confident and alert.
Do I exercise?
When we exercise the body it sends out endorphins and guess what.. endorphins make you happy! Endorphins actually fight stress. So don’t just be looking for physical benefits! Without knowing, exercise will lift your mood.
When we exercise the body it sends out endorphins and guess what.. endorphins make you happy! Endorphins actually fight stress. So don’t just be looking for physical benefits! Without knowing, exercise will lift your mood.
How do I feel about myself?
Do you feel insecure or lack confidence? This is something many people face on a daily basis. Change your thoughts and way of thinking, instead of saying ‘’urg I look so bad’’ or ‘’I hate how I look’’ or ‘’why am I like this’’ change them to ‘’this is me, I feel good’’ or ‘’I accept myself and I am beautiful’’ and ‘’I’m so appreciative of the way I am’’. You may be thinking ‘but I don’t?’, the point is, the more you train your mind to think positive things, the more your positive thoughts become things. Yes thoughts become things! When you think a negative thought, that negativity sends out a chemical hormone which impacts your health without you knowing it so train your mind to think positive things and you will attract the same back.
Do you feel insecure or lack confidence? This is something many people face on a daily basis. Change your thoughts and way of thinking, instead of saying ‘’urg I look so bad’’ or ‘’I hate how I look’’ or ‘’why am I like this’’ change them to ‘’this is me, I feel good’’ or ‘’I accept myself and I am beautiful’’ and ‘’I’m so appreciative of the way I am’’. You may be thinking ‘but I don’t?’, the point is, the more you train your mind to think positive things, the more your positive thoughts become things. Yes thoughts become things! When you think a negative thought, that negativity sends out a chemical hormone which impacts your health without you knowing it so train your mind to think positive things and you will attract the same back.
How do I react to people around me?
If someone has annoyed or upset you it is easy to be put in a bad mood or unhappy. Think to yourself, ‘maybe that person has had a bad day’ or ‘maybe he/she is going through a lot’. It is not worth letting other people put you down or make your life negative so show love always! Showing love will get you far, even when you don’t want too. Don’t allow other peoples negative energy take away your positive thinking.
If someone has annoyed or upset you it is easy to be put in a bad mood or unhappy. Think to yourself, ‘maybe that person has had a bad day’ or ‘maybe he/she is going through a lot’. It is not worth letting other people put you down or make your life negative so show love always! Showing love will get you far, even when you don’t want too. Don’t allow other peoples negative energy take away your positive thinking.
Finally… What am I waiting for?
Although sometimes easier said than done the above things may just be something you have heard before, but do not underestimate them! Plan a routine and apply these in your life and they will make you feel better.
Although sometimes easier said than done the above things may just be something you have heard before, but do not underestimate them! Plan a routine and apply these in your life and they will make you feel better.
Although unexpected events may happen in our lives to bring us down, there is always a way to get back on your feet and a positive future to look forward too.
Keep smiling. Everything will work out if you make it happen.
I am also feeling low, can you please suggest me to treat such situation in life. I am unable to know the exact reason, but I know for sure that I disturbed and feeling upset. Or can you tell me if Etizolam will work for me?