Fitness & Motivation. May 2018

Before and After Posts. Diet Plans & Fitness Routines, Benefits. 

So what is this section of my page? What will this post be about? Well... 

I am going to be training over the next few months an posting the difference a fitness plan can and will make in my life. 

I have recently decided to change my daily health and routine. Some people want a better body, better skin, better sleep, better thinking or like me a better routine! Whatever it may be, I realized that fitness and lifestyle is a huge contributor to a better life.  So here it is, my fitness and lifestyle blog which will be updated on a regular basis with my progression and the impact a healthy diet, lifestyle and regular fitness routine will have on me. 

So, I thought I would diary my progression as I go along in order to share and see the benefits not just physically but mentally.

It was a while back when I realized that my sleeping pattern, moods & general health was overall poor so started to force myself to go to my local gym. I have always been interested in health and fitness and would go on the odd run or hour in the gym to keep my weight down and to genuinely help me feel better about myself!  However less is defiantly not more when it comes to working out, I knew I needed to push myself and if I truly wanted to see the benefits I needed to make more time and more effort in making it a regular routine rather than a 'one off' gym session every now and again. So, recently I decided to force myself up in the mornings and go to the gym before work. As I work in an office this was a struggle, but this is where my blog comes in! 

I will be experimenting different products, plans and routines and publishing them on my page to show the benefits and how they have helped me. 

So here it goes...

May 2018: This is me currently, I have toned my stomach but my main focus for the next couple of weeks will be my arms and legs. 

Currently training 3 times a week including 1 PT session. Using WHEY PROTEIN in the morning & pre or post workout. 


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